These bighorns are all Rocky Mountain subspecies from the Lookout Mountain herd. They are about one third bigger with bigger horns than the California subspecies. This herd has about 400 sheep and their territory is a remote part of northeast Oregon near Brownlee Reservoir and Lookout Mountain.

A big adult male.

Enjoying the grass buffet.

Their butts are so white that the sunlight creates a light blowout unless you underexpose them a lot. It's difficult to work with for web viewing. For prints it's only as white as the paper and ugly workarounds such as this aren't necessary.

Their big amber/red eyes are part of their beauty.

This was shot in May. This is the beginning of the shedding of their winter coat.

We were checking each other out.

See you later. I always try not to disturb them but their patience for me and my camera ran out.